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The information on the website Therapie Amsterdam Noord has been compiled under the responsibility of Kim Niekerk. Kim Niekerk takes the utmost care to ensure that the content of the website Therapie Amsterdam Noord is as current, accessible, correct and complete as possible. Nevertheless, it is possible that information is incorrect or, for example, outdated. If you, as a visitor to the website Therapie Amsterdam Noord, see this, Kim Niekerk would appreciate you letting her know by contacting her.
Kim Niekerk accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the use of information on the website Therapie Amsterdam Noord, or changing or stopping a treatment program without personal advice.
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The website Therapie Amsterdam Noord contains links to websites operated by parties other than Therapie Amsterdam Noord. Therapie Amsterdam Noord is not responsible for the content or use of these internet sites and is also not liable for the consequences of a visit to these internet sites.
The content of the website Therapie Amsterdam Noord may only be used and printed for personal, non-commercial purposes. The material may not be reproduced, distributed, sold or published without written permission from Kim Niekerk. For more information about the use of the material, please contact Kim Niekerk.
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The information on the website Therapie Amsterdam Noord may change from time to time. Changes will be published on the website without notice. Therefore, check this website regularly to see if any changes have occurred.